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[…] we have these developed ways in which values are transmitted and we have to recognise that that takes places over periods of time. And in fact, to introduce simply statements of what our values are will not do the business for us.We will have to somehow emotionally embrace values. And that is a much more
complex thing than perhaps oaths of allegiance. (…) Freedom has to be defended, perhaps more thoroughly, than ever before. Some of those values, that we hold dear, are indeed potentially sacrificed, when we are in fear of several things that are currently happening. Freedom of expression is absolutely at the heart of European values. The role of law is powerful, and that is important in societies made up of many different groupings. […] It used to be said that the real message to societies or governments was: It’s the economy, stupid! And it seems to me that what has come out of our discussions – and in fact what  has come out of the recent election in the United States – is a much stronger sense that actually we could be saying: It’s the culture, stupid! The recent election in the United States was won not because of a dynamic economy but because the battle became one of values. And so it may be that cultural divides are the ones that we are going to have to concentrate on in that period to come. So in summing up our discussions, I think we have posed many questions. I am not sure that we have come up with many answers. I do want to make reference to the fact that our friend, who was representing the United Nations of journalists did express optimism and did express belief in the importance of Europe and a Europe that is strong. And what has become clear and for me has not been said with enough perhaps drama or energy by our Vice-President of the European Commission: The idea of Europe is one we are going to have to re-examine, re-consider and look at whether it needs some sort of restatement as to what its purpose will be in the face of all these crises which have been described by the audience. […]

  by Lord Weidenfeld
  by Baroness Kennedy QC